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alec bowling

alec bowling


|   keynote speaker and public speaking coach





25% of the population experience mental illness.

An even greater percentage will know someone who experiences this,

and yet we still treat it as something taboo.


There needs to be a conversation about mental wellness in the workplace.

I hope your team will be a part of it.


Learn more about this training.

here's what people have said about this training

"I’m sure you’ll hear this a lot, but I just wanted to let you know that your presentation was absolutely phenomenal! You’re an incredible public speaker, you were engaging and relatable, and I really appreciate all of the research that you put into your presentation!" 

- Kristen K.

"I am blown away by the talent you have for speaking in front of a large group. I was engaged the entire time and the information was SO important. I have no doubt that you inspired everyone to learn a little more about mental health. I am so glad I was in attendance – thank you for presenting so passionately on such an impactful topic!"

- Bridget H.

"I just wanted to say on behalf on the Pittsburgh team we loved that presentation and you did an AWESOME job at presenting.  It was so engaging. The feedback on our whole team was so positive and everyone had something good to say about it so we just wanted to say thank you and great job!!"

- Jill F.

who I am.

My name is Alec. I haven't started a million dollar company. I haven't invented anything significant. I haven't been mentioned on any important lists or articles.


But I do have hundreds of hours of speaking experience that have equipped me develop a training that truly helps people.


Here's what I can do for you:

  • Bring passion and energy to your meeting or event.

  • Give your team an excellent presentation that will expand their mental wellness knowledge.


I would love to help your team. If you are interested in having me speak, feel free to reach out any time via the following methods​ or fill out the form.



cell: (513) 260-1299

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